Gazette Extras
Material (bibliographies, tables, research notes, deleted text, etc.) which didn’t fit into a gazette article but which the author thought was worth making publicly available. Like the extras on a DVD.
True Blue
True BlueBibliography Arnold, Maya Blue __ (2014)\Baker, Early Modern Color Worlds (). Ball, Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color (2001). Barber, The Disputatious Caribbean: The West Indies in the Seventeenth Century (2014). Bechtold, Handbook of Natural...
Portable Power
BibliographyPortable Powerby Iver P. Cooper Abdul-Zehra,Primary Batteries (2012)PDF Alkaline-Manganese dioxide Batteries (2012)PDF Battery Performance (2012)PDF Ambalavanan, Effect of Various Grid Alloys on the Performance of Flooded Lead Acid Cells, Bull.....
Oil Prospects in the New World
Bibliography Abraham, Asphalts and Allied Substances (1920) [ANH] Petroleum Geology of Colombiav10: Middle Magdalena Basinv11: Lower Magdalena Basin Archie, The Rocks and formations of Trinidad Baker, Production of Aphalt...
Life at Sea: Parts 3 and 4 (Lighting)
Combined Bibliography, Life at Sea, Parts 3 and 4 (Lighting)by Iver P. Cooper Andrews, "A Short History of Electric Light" Appleyard, "Using Spinning Liquids to Simplify the Construction of Parabolic Reflectors in Solar...
Life at Sea, Part 2: Keeping Dry
Bibliography Agricola, De re Metallica (Hoover transl., 1912) Barnaby, The Protection of Iron and Steel Ships against Foundering from Injury to their Shells, including the Use of Armour, J. Iron & Steel Institute 37: 438 (1890). Brown, Nelson to Vanguard: Warship...
Life at Sea: Bibliography Part 1
Agua, Seafaing in the Arabian Gulf and Oman: People of the Dhow (2012). Babelier (transl), Food on Board Dutch Ships in the 17th Century Beekman, Fugitive Dreams: An Anthology of Dutch Colonial Literature. Bentham,...
Fair or Foul: Bibliography Part 1
1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Thermometry" and "Meteorology" Ambient Weather"Fischer Instruments 115.01 115-01 Laboratory Grade Outdoor Thermometer with Human Hair Hygrometer" Belfort,...
1632 Airship Ground Handling: Appendix and Bibliography
Here I cover some topics that I couldn't fit into the article, and also provide the bibliography. Ground Handling of Royal Anne If the Royal Anne (650 x 70 ft) in canon is modeled as a cylinder with hemispherical ends, the profile area is 44,448 square feet (4129...
My Name is Legion Appendix: Books of Grantville
by Iver P. Cooper This Appendix explains, in more detail, how I came up with the estimates for the number of books in Grantville as explained in my article, My Name Is Legion: Copying the Books of Grantville. It also includes additional information about some of the...
Mineral Mastery Supplement
by Iver Cooper This Supplement provides material which, for space reasons, wouldn't fit in my Mineral Mastery article in Grantville Gazette 23. Don't expect it to make much sense without reading the article! If you have found this Supplement by an internet search, be...