1632: Population of 17th Century Europe

The population of Europe is one of those things on which BAW doesn’t really have much influence. The only way to figure out the political alliances is by reading 1632 and 1633. There is not a “monolithic” opposition, by any means — and a number of...

1632: Reading List

These books are in English, or translations to English. Unless otherwise noted, the recommendations are from Virginia Easley DeMarce, also noted as VED. I have not yet put them in a standard bibliography format. Anyone want to speak up? You do not have to read all of...

1632: 1911 Encylopaedia Britannica Resources

From: Peter Klancic Subject: 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica Resources Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 17:52:00 -0000 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica Resources. Hereafter called EB 11. The following sites and CD/DVD sources are available: Two online resources which would appear to...

1632: Seventeenth Century Farm FAQ

To understand what a seventeenth century farm village looked like think about a fried egg on a plate. The yoke represents the village and the white represents the fields around the farming village (Gemeinde). Rid you mind of the picture of neatly laid out individual...

1632: Tech : Dictionary

31 December 2003 The Dictionary Who knows what all those acronyms mean? Now you do. To add a definition, email them to me. ACRs and DEFs pertaining to the ROF are CLT. 10QThank You (Ten Q) AFAICAs Far As I’m Concerned AFAIKAs Far As I Know AFKAway From Keyboard...